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Minigolf photo of the year 2013

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The next generation  (Photo by Michael Schmitt)

Team Britain on training camp  (Photo by Sean Homer)

Yana Lazareva  (Photo by Martin Becker)

Sunshine  (Photo by Arto Borg)

Mirror image  (Photo by Arne Prip Hansen)

Aim here  (Photo by Roelof Hooijsma)

Filiph  (Photo by Martin Becker)

Evening in Bad Münder  (Photo by Hans Bergström)

Putters and balls  (Photo by Justiniano Cruz)

King Carl-Johan  (Photo by Einar Mattson)

Oskari at salto wheel  (Photo by Martin Becker)

Uppsala vs. Hardenberg  (Photo by Marián Havlík)

Günter Inmann  (Photo by Manfred Lindmayr)

Celebration on podium  (Photo by Sónia Fontes)

Lucie at the window  (Photo by Hans Bergström)

Beton course in autumn  (Photo by Willi Hettrich)

Guffe celebrating  (Photo by Björn Dinau)

Adventure golf course  (Photo by Patrick Sheridan)

Leaves  (Photo by Hans Bergström)

Winter minigolfing  (Photo by Rainer Hess)